Tujatane Tales
2010 and We Start All
Over Again
Term 1
Happy new year to everyone! 2010 is here and school is busy as usual! Thanks to everyone who has been to visit us this term. We have had a brilliant 13 weeks of spelling bees, volunteers, performing arts rounds 1 & 2, rain... and MORE rain and much more besides. I hope you enjoy catching up with all the children's news and we hope to see you all again soon. Tujatane X
Hooray for Porridge!
Article by Iness Chulu, Pre-School teacher.
The WFP (World Feeding Programme) and the Ministry of Education
delivered HEPS (High Energy Protein Supplement) and vegetable oil to
the school this term for the feeding programme. Normally we feed the
children HEPS porridge every day but when it runs out, we do not
stop feeding them but the school buys maize to substitute the
porridge mix. The HEPS ran out last year so the school and the
children were very happy to see the HEPS being delivered in March.
The delivery includes the oil we need to prepare the porridge.
The feeding programme has proven to be very beneficial to the school
and the students, as the levels of absenteeism have declined and the
concentration of the students is improved.
We are very happy to have HEPS back.
"I love porridge at break time as I'm always hungry from the walk to
school by then. It's hot and filling and tastes nice but it could be
even better with more sugar. We are grateful for our HEPS."
Celia G3
The lunch time school feeding programme at Tujatane provides a healthy
balanced meal every school day for every child. If you would like to
know more about the feeding programme or would like to donate to this
cause please click here.
Sports with Kiza...
Article by Kiza Chipila, Grade 2 teacher and sports co-ordinator.
The school has had a number of sporting activities this term including netball, volleyball and chess fixtures. But football is always the most popular, especially for the boys!
All of the students are involved in sports at the school. The lower grades take part in sports on a Monday afternoon and the upper grades on a Thursday. It is only the upper grades that are allowed to be in the school teams for football, netball and volleyball though - much to their delight!
On February 19th this term, Tujatane were invited to take part in a friendly football and netball competition in Simonga, against Simonga Basic School, our closest neighbour. It was the first away match of the term and our boys did well however we lost 2-1. We arranged a
return match at our school for the next week but unfortunately the very heavy rains stopped it from happening.
The boys were very excited to have a volunteer this term, Tom, who was also helping us with football coaching and taught the students lots of new training skills and was very friendly. We were sorry to see him leave.
Sports is a hugely popular part of school life at Tujatane and there is much excitement surrounding South Africa hosting the World Cup! The children are so proud!